New Year,New Blog,New Start ! ? !
Monday, July 20, 2015
Hello Lovely People ,I have been MIA since so many months.Every month I would tell myself to start writing again and then put it off for another week and then a month and eventually ended up being MONTHS.But now I am back to business and free from my internship, plus my Cocker spaniel is almost a year old.She is the CUTEST thing EVER!!!
Secondly I have made a few changes in my blog layout and got rid of some kiddy looking pink stuff, not that I hate it but I need to be more age appropriate haha . So I tried to make it look a bit polished.Though I guess I still need to do a LOT more.Work is still under progress plus I'm looking for an amazing header,but cant really narrow down on my favorite.So please let your suggestions rolling in.* No mean stuff please *
Thirdly I plan to make a schedule for myself as to which day I would be posting a particular kind of blog post,helps me plan out things better.I really hope things go up from here.
Stop by and say Hi!
x :)